
Client: Grönlund-Nisunen

Redesign and development of the artists' website: g-n.fi

When I started this project in summer 2023, the old website's content had not been updated for three years, and its design has remained the same since its creation 20 years ago. My main task was to make the website responsive for mobile devices and to improve the user experience while maintaining its minimalistic visual appearance. I built the new website from scratch with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without using any external libraries.

Adobe XD, Visual Studio Code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), Photoshop, Illustrator




Redesign & Development

I chose an accordion design as a space-efficient solution for presenting the multitude of projects from the artists' career, which spans more than 30 years. Furthermore, I created a responsive design for different screen sizes. The mobile version has only one column where pictures are arranged below the texts. The design of the website on tablets and desktop devices has two columns with sticky text elements on the left column. This design offers a clear separation of text and pictures and promotes legibility. To further improve usability, I fixed the navigation bar at the top of the page—a personal preference. For the front page, I created a slideshow of outstanding images of the artists' work.

Other tasks included formatting over 150 images into web-ready files (optimised JPEGs with a maximum size of 200 KB), editing the texts provided by the client, embedding vimeo videos, and designing a logo for the website's favicon.


